Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guide To Meeting Women - Top 50 Places To Find Your Next Girlfriend

A common question I get asked is "Tony, I want to start working on these things, but I do not know where the heck to start meeting women." I understand perfectly. It is not just Google Maps to show where all the hot women in your city congregate. One thing you must understand is that you can meet women everywhere. If you walk down the street or go to the grocery store, there are always opportunities presented. However, I have compiled a huge list of places to meet women. After going through this list, you will have ZERO excuses not to go out and start meeting women. Before entering the list, here are a few caveats: Do not Creep - Meeting women should be a secondary benefit to the places listed in this directory. Go to these places for the sake of trying something new, not to hunt for women. For example, go on a walk of art with a couple of friends because they are cool new thing to do. Not the creepy guy that just about hitting women. This is weirdo behavior. Bring a group of friends - I always try and assemble a group of people to go with. When meeting women is like that of membership of the party fun is already underway. But do not let this stop you if you can not find someone to go with. Nothing is wrong with the use of the premises only.

Location Type = type of woman - Where to find a woman are directly related to the type of female. For example, women in bars hardcore punk rock dive will probably be very different from women who meet at a local church. Therefore, they have an idea about the kind of woman you want to date go the components normally frequent. If you do not know, being open to trying everything on the list.

No order of importance - there is a particular order of importance of positions in this list. Some will stick out more than others to you, but be open to trying everything. There is a place that is best for the coverage of women than others. You can meet and attract women everywhere if you're a nice guy.

You can meet women everywhere - Guys think they have to constantly go to bars or clubs to meet women. In fact, no need to deviate much from the existing routine. If you walk in the street or go to the grocery store there are always opportunities to meet new women.

1. Social networking sites (Facebook) - I know many players I've seen HUGE success meeting women through social networking sites like Facebook. There is definitely an art and a science that ride will do your research on how to go about sending girls without coming off as a creep. However, when you have up, sky is the limit for the amount of women you meet.

2. Cafes - Women are always in places like Starbucks Coffee and Caribou or grabbing a quick drink with another cutie friend of theirs, or just get a job. These are very low key place to strike up conversation.

3. Local Colleges - If you live in a college, this can be a goldmine for young, single and hot women. My recommendation is to go during the summer school. There are too many people on campus, so girls are always looking for new people to hang out with.

4. Bookstores - If a girl is a browsing book section know little about, it is very easy to walk and begin to talk about the issue. Tip: Weekend afternoons on weekdays and evenings are when we find more women in book stores. Book stores are often times empty otherwise.

5. The Gym - Women who go regularly to the gym is definitely the guy you want hanging around. They take care of their own, are self-motivated and often times are outgoing ... All great qualities in a friend.

6. Museums and Galleries - I am not going to lie, museums and galleries will no longer target rich places during the week. But on weekends these parts can be packed with women catch word for what happens to art galleries are within

7. Mats Laundry - Women are bored out of their minds in the game machine and because of this, are more willing to speak when a man like yourself approaches. This is a golden opportunity, because we often have up to 2 hours of time to hang out while you wait for both your clothes are ready.

8. Local Swimming - Women in bikinis ... Hmm, need I say more?!?

9. Beaches - Again, a no-brainer.

10. Pet Shops - Many women who have dogs and cats will go to pet stores regularly to get supplies or food. This is the perfect opportunity to ask a situation like opener "Hey, have you tried this kind of dog food I'm taking care of dog, my friend and I know what I do. I have given you an official to help me ..."

11. Shops Hardware - If you can think of hardware stores is testosterone driven, many women will frequent these stores for supplies, garden and random knick knacks for the home.

12. Ikea - Not only is this a great place to meet new women, this is one of my favorite places to bring the girls out on dates?. You can goof around and pretend you are newlyweds shopping for furniture. When meeting women, just write and ask «Hey, I'm looking to get new furniture for my room and need the opinion of a woman. Can you help me out? "

13. Restaurants - Restaurants are a full women to meet. Here is the warning: Do not approach women, when you eat. It's just rude to interrupt someone enjoying their meal, so approach them before they get a meal or after making the food. Usually there is a bar restaurant, you can move things.

14. Churches - I'll be honest with you. Some places (eg nightclubs) is where you tend to find certain types of women can connect with. Other places (eg churches) is where you will find women quality you can settle down for long. Church often times hold social events filled with many quality women to meet.

15. Supermarket - Some children complain that not enough time to cover their women. If you go shopping, then you have no excuse. I guarantee you'll find a handful of women to approach your local grocery store (especially if you live in a big city). Tip: Weekdays nights and weekends are the best time to go. Whenever another will find moms or the elderly.

16. Social Circle - This is the very traditional route the majority of children count. Meeting women through a mutual friend is the number one children how they found the girlfriend. You just can not win this because a woman thinks of you so positive after a solid introduction from a friend.

17. On The Street - If you live in a city, there are a plethora of women rushing through the streets during the day. I lived in Chicago in the summer, I always find more and more hot women walking down the street from what I see in most nightclubs.

18. Fitness Classes - If you are currently drawing up alone, going to start fitness classes as soon as possible. It's like killing two birds with one stone. You're going to work anyway, so you might as well do it together with a group of women on a spinning or kickboxing class.

19. Dance Classes - If you have a rare physical with a woman, I would suggest going to dance classes. With styles such as Tango, you are bound to be up close and personal with your partner. You will also learn firsthand how to lead naturally to women, although the track. My personal favorite is Salsa. There is usually a lack of children in classes Salsa, so you'll have your way with all women who take turns to dance with you.

20. Tanning salons - If you're pale, you should start tanning. I'm not saying it should look like the newest member of the Jersey Shore, but giving your skin a little color makes you look more alive. Oh and by the way, there is an excessive number of women in these parts.

21. Hairdressers - Like Tanning salons, a woman in a man than hair salons are staggering. If you have money, getting combed your hair is definitely worth it. Actual professionals working in these places can style your hair better than you imagine staying.

22. Makeup Stores - You might think that this is a store makeup is the equivalent of getting your balls sawed off, but most shops makeup holds things for men like cologne. This is the golden opportunity to ask women their opinion on the various perfumes.

23. Malls (clothing stores) - Shopping centers are another place full of cuties. Again, another perfect opportunity to reach women for their opinion on a specific style of clothing your mind to go with. There are lots of teenagers scattered in shopping malls to make sure that women are actually talking ... well ... age!

24. In building your work - I know many children I have met many women just walk up and down the different floors of the building offices. If you happen to work in a large building, chances are that many women are just as bored as you are dying to meet new people. Tip: Go at lunch break. This often happens when we see more movement inside the building.

25. Parties - The parties are absolutely my favorite on this list. It's the perfect atmosphere to meet new women. Have fun with your friends, she is having fun with her friends and air condition pumps with all the music and drinks. Everyone talks all so going up is almost expected.

26. Yoga - Go on a Yoga class even if they are looking to meet women. There are so many benefits. It will improve your strength, flexibility, posture, breathing and generally become a more focused person. Like dance lessons, yoga has a disproportionately large percentage of women with men. Plus, yoga teaches women to contort in all sorts of different err ... Yoga positions. :-)

27. Book signing / discussion groups - women tend to gravitate toward certain writers. For example, Chelsea Handler has a huge female audience of ages around 18 - 35. If you find a book signing or a newsgroup readership for this kind of authors will feel like a kid on Christmas morning.

28. Events Modeling - modeling agencies often have social mixers for those in the industry. Learn where they are and find a way to get in. I personally myself to a few and all my years, I've never seen so many hot women in one room so damn open to meet new people.

29. Acting Classes - acting classes is something that should be a matter of meeting young women. Develop your voice, help you think better in your legs (especially courses Improv), and generally improve your confidence. Of course there are many women who attend these courses.

30. Bar - I hate when people say women do not want to meet men in bars. Yes it is true, the dream of meeting women "Prince Charming" to serendipitously as in all romantic comedies who've been brain washed with. However, in the real world cool guys are hard to find and women are always open to talk to one. No matter if you are in a bar, a grocery store or at a funeral a freakin ».

31. Associations - Many advantages and disadvantages with clubs. Advantages: hold the highest concentration of hot women in one room. Cons: dark, way too loud, intimidating and most women are "I'm better than you" meter is off the charts. Bottom Line: since there are so many women will not remember who the hell are you, is the best place to work for the game.

32. Living - Living have the best of both bars and clubs worldwide. We have attractive clubs women tend to hold, while maintaining the mellow atmosphere of the bar.

33. Strip clubs - probably will not find the future mother of your children at a strip club, but it is a golden opportunity to interact with women who are very attractive and probably have a closer game than you. Being able to shift the focus from paint your wallet will teach you a lot of conversational skills could be developed differently.

34. Online Dating Services - I've heard mixed reviews from sites like and Do my children do not see results with these sites tend to dabble. I will try for a few months, we will not put much effort on it, then cancel their account immediately. As always, you put the work and stick it out to see the results.

35. Events Mixer Singles - If you live in a bigger city would have normally mixer for singles. When I lived in Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art held an event where thousands of twenty and thirty something came every month to meet new people.

36. or Events - These sites are the absolute best resources available to you to find places to meet women. From restaurants, bars, events, these sites are on top of everything and anything social in your city. Tip: One day of the month, you have the time and browse these sites. Calendar in a cool new thing to do every day from next month.

37. Dog Parks - dog parks filled with women and their dogs. Seeking a conversation is easy if both your dogs play together. Also, you can tell a lot about a woman on the type of dog owned. Believe me, a woman who owns a Poodle and a woman who owns a German Shepard are two totally different people.

38. Speed ​​Dating - Speed ​​dating can be a powerful way to respond not only women but also for improving the repertoire of your conversation. In less than 2 hours, might have met with 15 different women. It's like going to the gym basketball to work on your jump shot. If something goes wrong or meet a girl you're indifferent to, there's always a new girl around the corner.

39. Amusement parks or local fairs - These are a favorite spot for couples, but there are still many single women friends to fun parks or local fairs. The best thing about these places is the chance to play date. Approach, vice versa, then one time she's attracted things moving by going to one of the rides with her.

40. Co-Ed Sports Leagues - These are fun, not only to meet women, but just to have time freakin »with friends. The type of woman who gravitate toward activities such as co-ed softball or volleyball leagues tend to be athletic, low maintenance, and overall fun women who are in sports ... pretty much all the kids looking for properties to friends. :-)

41. Weddings - I do not know what to do with weddings, but they always seem to keep just the women.

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